Interactive Leadership

Conferences and Hackathons

Organizations that are continuously on the move need to fuel their movement. We believe in creating and holding spaces that ignite movement and construct meaning. Interactive conferences and Leadership Hackathons are a great way to make this happen.

These events cultivate joint wisdom, connect people and break silos in order to create a powerful driving force throughout the organization.

Conferences provide a wonderful leadership opportunity to create Direction, Alignment and Commitment in the organization.

We turn large-scale conferences into tailor-made, interactive leadership events that increase participant activity and proactivity. Our diverse, innovative and energizing platforms include:

  • Inspiring and insightful lectures inviting reflection
  • Plenary exercises creating meaningful interactions
  • Voicing up opportunities
  • “Feeling” the pulse using interactive apps
  • Creating and sharing knowledge using peer exchange
  • Techniques such as “world café” and open space.

    Leadership Hackathons are a proven platform for tackling “wicked problems” that require innovation and courage. They combine the leadership wisdom of all participants in addressing system-level, culture related conundrums and opportunities.

    We design agile leadership hackathons that lead to practical insights and solutions, to making a difference through the power of many. Leadership Hackathons are designed to tackle pre-defined challenges that need to be cracked in a high-tempo atmosphere.

    Our leadership hackathons are Intense, energizing and solution-oriented events characterized by:

    • High involvement participation, including cross-silos and cross hierarchical teams
    • Boundary-spanning experience
    • Outside-in perspective by key experts
    • Movement between spaces, ad-hoc teams, “town square”, disruptive and playful activities

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